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Access Control
Companies can benefit from the system by preventing loss of wages while improving work productivity, since the employees work hour management solution of the fingerprint-based ODNS eliminated the possibility of people coming to work as Buddy Punching, or asking for fabricated overtimes. Corporations and public and government institutions can also enjoy diverse work hour tracking and monitoring features in calculating compensations for business trips, special assignments, overtimes, and work-shifts, in addition to the employee's regular time of coming and leaving to work.
The accurate results can be easily and accurately reflected on the wage calculation and human resources management. The work hour solution of ODNS is capable of speedy fingerprint authentication, thereby allowing the entry data to be recorded immediately as it is created without any delay, even during the busy morning rush hour. By computerizing the work hour data generated by the system, the human resources department can improve their work performance.
It also enables a centralized work hour management of employees working at multiple different locations, and the data necessary for various decision-making can be effectively collected and reflected. With our Solutions, any business or institutions can have the optimal system by connecting it to their own or other existing systems, enabling a management innovation that solves any possible work hour management problems, while saving the wage costs and structure.
Time & Attendance Management
Configured to provide you with the real time information you require and with varied options for data capture, Our Time and Attendance provides a tailored solution to fit the exact needs of your business.
The system improves your workforce's efficiency, saves administration time, reduces overall labour costs and removes human error from the equation. This coupled with powerful reporting tools greatly enhances your management analysis and reporting ability.
Flexible Options
Extensive hardware options including mobile, roaming and telephone options to cope with remote workers coupled with the flexible software configuration mean your Time and Attendance solution can be built to match your business structure and working rules exactly.